
Summer is one of the best times of the year, the days are longer, the beaches are enjoyable and the clothes are better.
Having everything in front of you will help you to visualize where you are in your journey and you can see how far you have come. Setting goals gives you something to work towards.
It has been shown that destressing the right way can help to boost your immunity, ward off heart disease and obesity plus when you’re calm, you perform tasks more efficiently and smarter.
Everyone can always use a bit more of stress relief in their life, but who can really afford spa days all of the time? The Kardashian's don’t count. 
Spring is well on its way and that means that more time can be spent outside soaking up all of that delicious sun.
It’s the start of spring finally, that means that our immune systems will be in jeopardy even though we just got done with flu season. 
Daylight savings starts in a few days which means that our sleep schedules are going to be changing again.
Hangovers are the worst thing in the world and some of us subject ourselves to them more than others. 
Winter is stressful with the roads being atrocious and we spend more time in darkness than sunlight.