
Right now is the time of year when things start to get really busy. There are three million things to do, hundreds of dishes to cook and, unfortunately, not enough alcohol in the world to keep yourself sane while doing said tasks. 
Having high energy these days is a virtue that seems to be getting lost among the deadlines, workouts, kids, and bills. If you want to get things done, you better have 5 shots of espresso along with the 3 coffees you had before lunch.
It's that time of day – gym time. It doesn't matter if you are a true blue gym rat, because there are days that even the most dedicated people drag their feet. Everyone has those days where it's just been an awful day from start to finish and you just want to end the day. 
Right now we are in the middle of fall, and every day we inch closer and closer to the blistering cold months of winter. While some people get their flu shot and are set for the winter, some people can't get the shot and have to find other ways to stay on top of their immune system. 
Thanksgiving has passed and, now, winter is on its way. Yeah, we heard your groan from here. You can't deny it's coming through – the days are getting shorter, the temperature is dropping and we can still taste the stuffing and gravy from our Thanksgiving feast.
Counting sheep is actually a bad idea. It takes forever and, if you aren't feeling sleepy by a certain number, you start to get irritated and keep going angrily. 
When it comes to the changing seasons, other changes in your life will need to be made in order to adapt. Your diet isn't the only thing. Taking care of your mind is just as important as taking care of your body.
Fall is right around the corner and it signals the start of cold and flu season. If you are one of those people that tend to get sick easily, then you are going to want to start yourself on a strict immune system boosting regime right now.
Have you ever sat in your doctor's office and listened to the “eat healthy” speech, rolled your eyes and got ready to go grab a burger as soon as you left? We all have.