
Fall is right around the corner and it signals the start of cold and flu season. If you are one of those people that tend to get sick easily, then you are going to want to start yourself on a strict immune system boosting regime right now.
If you are stifling yawns in your 2 p.m. meetings, barely making it through dinner with your family, and falling asleep through previews of movies, you are probably thinking that you are run down.
I think every person on this planet can agree that caffeine is a gift from the gods and has magical powers that are borderline heavenly. It boosts your energy, tastes amazing and is a comforting hug in the morning letting you know that, even though you have to go to work, it's going to be ok once you get through your first cup.
We have all that that "Wait, what was I doing again?" moment and then waste even more time trying to pick up where we left our train of thought and get back on the productivity track. 
It's finally summer and it's the time where you should be full of energy and ready to go on countless adventures. Plus, you should stay up endless hours around bonfires and be ready to rave at concerts until you have no voice left. 
Have you ever sat in your doctor's office and listened to the “eat healthy” speech, rolled your eyes and got ready to go grab a burger as soon as you left? We all have.
If you eat a balanced diet and work out regularly, but can't get 7-8 hours of sleep a night all other efforts to stay healthy seem pointless. Sleep should be a priority in everyone's lives, it lets your body rejuvenate and get ready for the next day. 
Fall is right around the corner, and even though you should have been taking care of yourself this whole time, now is really the time to get your immune system in shape to prepare yourself for winter.