
The winter is the prime time to start your fitness journey. Unfortunately, you have to change up your routine for the colder months.
Winter is the worst time for stress. The days are shorter, the driving is terrifying and the frigid temperatures are just the tip of the iceberg of reasons why winter is awful.
With winter finally in full swing, now is the time to get the best night's sleep even though it feels like a prison sentence when you have to leave your bed in the morning.
Winter has landed and it is going to be a doozy. Even though temperatures are in the negative digits already, and there may be no motivation to do anything, we all still need to go outside on occasion. 
Winter is legitimately the worst time when it comes to motivation, and doing anything that doesn't consist of fuzzy blankets, some snacks, and the television. 
New year, new habits, well, trying to find the motivation to start on these new habits and the motivation to get out of bed and go to work after having time off for the holidays. 
It's the beginning of the winter months and we all know what that means. Sluggish, gray and just plain gross weather, minus the days that the snow looks like crystals on trees. 
It is the last day of the year. We made it through 2018, a little beat up and we are limping to the finish line with our shoes in our hands. Thankfully, with the dawn of a new year comes the potential for so much to go right.
We are getting to the time of year where cases of flu, colds and every other nasty little viral bug come out of hiding to wreak havoc on us. One of the most important things you can do to beat them is sleep and let your body fight.