
Christmas is right around the corner, which means millions of students around the country are gearing up to write their exams. This also means millions of students around the country are stressing out, procrastinating and playing beer bong instead of hitting the books.
Your morning alarm is blaring and you let out that groan. You quit your job 100 times in your head before you shut off the alarm, turn over on your side and sleep for 5 more minutes until the whole process starts all over again.
Having high energy these days is a virtue that seems to be getting lost among the deadlines, workouts, kids, and bills. If you want to get things done, you better have 5 shots of espresso along with the 3 coffees you had before lunch.
It's that time of day – gym time. It doesn't matter if you are a true blue gym rat, because there are days that even the most dedicated people drag their feet. Everyone has those days where it's just been an awful day from start to finish and you just want to end the day. 
I think every person on this planet can agree that caffeine is a gift from the gods and has magical powers that are borderline heavenly. It boosts your energy, tastes amazing and is a comforting hug in the morning letting you know that, even though you have to go to work, it's going to be ok once you get through your first cup.
It's finally summer and it's the time where you should be full of energy and ready to go on countless adventures. Plus, you should stay up endless hours around bonfires and be ready to rave at concerts until you have no voice left. 
The long weekend is fast approaching which means BBQ, beer, long hours and tons of memories. Sometimes there is so much to do, and you only have 24 hours in a day.
Everyone gets to that moment where they are so exhausted that they can't even fathom continuing on and just want to sleep for the next three days. Unfortunately, for a lot of people, they can't afford to do that and have to push themselves past the point of exhaustion so they end up burning themselves out
Even though the summer is the best time of the year, sometimes it is hard to stay energized in the heat to keep doing everything the summer months has to offer. So the question is, How can you keep your battery full without compromising any time away from things you want to do