5 Ways to Keep the Holiday Pounds at Bay.

5 Ways to Keep the Holiday Pounds at Bay.

Christmas is right around the corner and with that comes all of the food and temptation to stray from your killer diet plan. Luckily, there are ways to keep on track

  1. Use Healthier Alternatives: Breadcrumbs in stuffing can be replaced with a rice pilaf or even quinoa!  Gluten-free options are a good choice too – instead of using butter to baste your bird; use coconut oil. Flavored Greek yogurt is also a healthier alternative to whipped cream on pie.  

  1. Portion Control: It’s the worst, but it’s for your own good! The palm of your hand excluding your fingers is a good indication of the protein portion you should have. When it comes to potatoes and pasta – the amazing stuff, ball up your fist – that’s the healthier sized portion. When it comes to vegetables though, go crazy.

  1. Nutriair Diet: A portable, easy to use inhalant that curbs your appetite and will let you dodge those sweet treat temptations that plague us all during the most wonderful time of the year. Nutriair Diet is all natural and made in the USA. Just use 15 mins before dinner with a glass of water and you will be laughing in those temptations’ faces.

  1. H20: Water is key during this time – the average male adult should be drinking 3 liters a day (13 cups), and the average female adult should be drinking 2.2 liters (9 cups) a day. Water helps to curb your appetite and will help you to stray away from seconds.

  1. DON’T STRESS: Unfortunately, the most wonderful time of the year is also the most stressful time of year. Take a breath and a break every so often. Stress is a silent assailant and can boost your need to indulge. If you take time to refocus you will plow through those needs and keep yourself healthy and ready to take on the festivities.

Christmas is a time for family and coming together; don’t worry if you stray a little bit off the beaten path. That’s what New Year resolutions are for.

Happy Holidays from the team at Nutriair!